400k - 1mil

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The methods wont always work aswell due to prices changing.

Now in this section there are 2methods on how to make your money. Tanning and Pastry Making, no skills required.

Leather (Needed Items: 400k)
Pastry Dough (Needed Items: 400k)

Tanning Cowhides

Now hard leathers not worth much. Right? Wrong it's worth 164gp!!! This is how to make GP!!! Start off by buying 3500 cowhides for a whopping 388k, try buying at market price as it saves money and is quicker than minumum. Then it's time to go to Alkharid,

(click to enlarge)
You will need 10gp to get through the toll gates unless you have completed the quest Prince Ali Rescue (link to a quest walkthrough)
Once there go to the bank and withdraw at least 3.5k and 27cowhides then go to the tanner (north of the bank) and trade with him

(click to enlarge)
Then when trading with him this will come up

(click to enlarge)
Select on the first cowhide Tan all leather. You will have to go to the tanner 130times to tan all those cowhides.
1cowhide = 111gp
1000cowhides = 111k
3500cowhides = 388k

1 leather = 159gp
1000 leather = 159k
3500 leather = 556k

Profit = 218k

Use that 556k you made to buy 5000 cowhides for 555k
Tan all those and you will get 795k

Then buy 3500 cowhides for 388k
Tan all those and you will get 556k

400k - 388k = 12k
12k + 556k = 568k

568k - 555k = 13k
13k + 795k = 808k

808k - 388k = 420k
420k + 556k = 976k
So after tanning that you just will need to make a remainder of 24k anyway you like.

Pastry Making

Now dough making is worth a vast amount of money 153gp per Pastry Dough!!! Stupendously high price good for making money on though!!!

Now what you need to do, buy 6536 pots of flour for 352k. Then you need alot of jugs so you can buy 6536 jugs on the G.e but it takes a long time for the offer to be filled. So you can collect them yourself. To do this go to Gnomecopters. (follow map)

(click to enlarge)
You will need 6536gp to but all the jugs. Once there trade with the Gnome sitting down

(click to enlarge)
Buy 27 jugs at a time. Now this takes a long time. Luckily though there is a deposit box opposite him so it is alot quicker than what it used to be. Once you have 6536 jugs of water and pots of flour head to the nearest bank.

(click to enlarge)
Withdraw 9 jugs of water and 9 pots of flour and use them on each other. In the chat box this will come up

Click on Pastry Dough
(click to enlarge)
Then right click and make all

(click to enlarge)
Now you repeat this alot of times.
1 pot of flour = 54gp
100 pots of flour = 5400gp
1000 pots of flour = 54000gp
6536 pots of flour = 352k

1 jug of water = 1gp
100 jugs of water = 100gp
1000 jugs of water = 1000gp
6536 jugs of water = 6536gp

Overall Cost = 358k

1 pastry dough = 153gp
100 pastry doughs = 15300go
1000 pastry doughs = 153k
6536 pastry doughs = 1mil
This method takes a lot of time though but the profits are phenomenal

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